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The physical model that most accurately represents the earth would be a globe. These show the different land and water masses throughout the world.

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Q: What type of physical model most accurately represents earth?
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Does Judaism accept the heliocentric model?

Are there any civilized peoples on earth who do not?

Geocentric model holds that the earth is the center of the univers?

Yes, that's what "geocentric" means.

What is the difference between a globe and a map?

Hey this is Lily4eva and you will be seeing allot more of me on this site and all of my answers are true! A globe is a replica and true representation of the earth's shape and surface. A map cannot provide an accurate representation of the earth's surface because it is a flat surface. (Try pasting a map on a globe.) It doesn't work. Maps use projections like the Mercator Projection to show the earth's surface but it causes distortions because a map is flat and the earth is spherical in shape.

What did Nicklaus Copernicus contribute to the scientific revolution?

Before Copernicus , everyone thought the Earth was the centre of the universe. This system was known as the Geocentric system (Earth centred). Copernicus discovered by stellar observation that the Earth was not the centre of the universe. He stated that the Sun was the centre of system of planets, of which the Earth part of that system. At the time of his discovery, the known planets were Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto had not been discovered. The Copernean system is known as the Heliocentric System (Sun Centred).

What was the greatest inaccuracy in Copernicus model of the solar system?

Copernicus mistakenly thought that our earth was the center of our universe, with the sun and other planets orbiting earth.

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The model accurately represents the process of producing recombinant DNA. Mathematical calculations are used for the model for the purpose of high accuracy.

What kind of model would you use to represents the human's heart?

The type of model you would use to represent your human heart would be a physical model.

What is a physic models?

A physical model is one that physically represents an object.

What is the difference between a physical model and a conceptual model?

conceptual model :A conceptual model uses idea to suggest what system is or how it works.A physical model : A physical model might be a scale model , either larger or smaller than the actual system it represents.

Did knowledge of the age of the earth help Charles Darwin create his theory of evolution?

No. In fact, it was only after Darwin had already published his model that we began to have some understanding of the geological and physical processes that allow us to accurately date the Earth.

What is the lowest data model?

The lowest data model is the physical data model. It represents how data is stored on a specific type of hardware and helps optimize storage and retrieval. It is the closest to the physical implementation in a database system.

An example of a physical model would be?

model airplanes, dolls, and drawings are some examples of physical models.

Why is the globe a good model of the earth?

The globe is a good model of the Earth because, it shows the polar and equatorial diameter. It shows all the continents and their latitudes and longitudes as well. And, it is tilted like the Earth on its axis. Physical globes can also have raised topography to somewhat indicate the elevations of the land surfaces around the world.

What term is used to describe a representation where the measurements in the image accurately reflect the dimensions of the physical object?

It is a scale model or view.

When using a model sun moon and earth you can make a model of?

part of the solar system

How do you make a model of planet earth?

That depends what exactly you want to model; what you want to use the model for. In the simplest case, you can take a ball, an orange, or some other round object, and say "This represents planet Earth".

What are physical and mathematical models?

A physical model is an object that represents whatever you are trying to explain. A mathematical model is an equation that shows something (usually some sort of movement or energy might not be applicable in most situations.)