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After Johnny died. He convinced himself he was still alive.

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Q: What was a time when ponyboy showed depression?
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I'm pretty sure it was Friday because they had gone to the Nightly Double (a drive-in theatre that showed two movies a night) and Ponyboy mentioned how on Fridays instead of 2 movies they showed 4 and that's when he, Johnny, and Dally went.

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2am in the morning

When has ponyboy seen Darry cry?

Ponyboy has seen Darry cry at the hospital when he went to see Ponyboy after the fire incident to take him home. It was the first time Ponyboy ever saw Darry cry. Your welcome ☺

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How does Ponyboy describe Two Bit?

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How is ponyboy confused?

In The Outsiders, Ponyboy is confused because he is dealing with so many different things. He is confused by the feelings of grief he has because his parents were killed in a car accident. He is also very moody and after both Dallas and Johnny die, he sinks even further into depression and confusion.

Why does Jerry wood's treatment of Ponyboy surprise Ponyboy?

Jerry Wood was the teacher who saw Ponyboy go into the burning building to save the children inside. He took Ponyboy to the hospital and treated him kindly, as he was grateful for Ponyboy's act of bravery. Despite Ponyboy's status, Wood did not look down on him and treated him with respect.

When is the only time ponyboy can remember seeing johnny without a defeated look in his eyes?

The only time Ponyboy can remember seeing Johnny without a defeated, suspicious look in his eye when he was saving the children in the church.

When does ponyboy say was the first time he saw johnny without the defeated look?

The only time Ponyboy can remember seeing Johnny without a defeated, suspicious look in his eye when he was saving the children in the church.