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Q: What was the country Hudson sailed in 1610?
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How many Countries did Henry Hudson sail for?

Henry Hudson sailed for Britain and that's the only country he sailed for.

What did Henry Hudson's flag look like?

Henry Hudson did sail under the British flag. In 1607 and 1608 he sailed for the British flag. In 1609 he sailed for the Dutch flag. His final voyages were in 1610 and 1611 when he sailed for the British flag again.

What country did Hudson sail for?

He sailed for English and then Dutch Merchants.

Where did Henry Hudson sail from on his first voyage?

from what country did Henry Hudson said from..Henry Hudson sailed for the Dutch, even though he did not speak Dutch

When did Hudson sail the Northern shores of Canada?


What country did Henry Hudson set sail from to America?

Henry Hudson sailed from England for two voyages. He sailed from Amsterdam for a voyage for the Dutch East India Company.

What country did Henry Hudson sail for England in?

Henry Hudson sailed for the country of Holland, also known as the Netherlands in 1609 on the Hopewell and The Half moon. He later sailed for England using a ship called the Discovery

How Henry Hudson discovered Hudson Bay?

He discovered it in 1610.1610On his final voyage to North America, Henry Hudson sailed into Hudson Bay on August 2, 1610.(After exploring the bay, he found his ship blocked by ice and was trapped there until the sping of 1611. His crew mutinied and Hudson, his son, and some men were set adrift in a small boat. None were ever seen again.)

Why did Henry Hudson embark on an expediton in 1609?

Henry Hudson sailed in 1610 in search of a Northwest Passage, one he had wanted to pursue almost since the start of his voyages.

Which explorer discovered Hudson bay in 1610?

Henry Hudson discovered the Hudson Bay.

Why did Henry Hudson start exploreing?

because he wanted to help the world and have a good time

What country did Hudson represent?

Henry Hudson was an English explorer. He sailed for the Dutch East India Company, which was an English trading company.