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Q: What was the lasting impact of his rule peter the great?
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When did Peter the Great start ruling?

in 1696 he started to rule Russian

Who was the philosopher who believed that a powerful king should rule a nation?

Thomas Hobbes believed in the concept of an absolute monarchy with a powerful king to maintain order and prevent chaos within a nation. In his work "Leviathan," he argued that a strong central authority was necessary to prevent a state of nature where life would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."

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Which Russian cza expanded russia rule east pacfic?

Peter the Great, and Catherine the Great were the most modern and popular czars of their time

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What is one similarity between the rule of Peter the Great of Russia and that of Akbar the Great of India?

modernized and expanded their empires using ideas from other cultures

How did Russia grow under peter the great and Catherine the great?

Peter I the Great (1672-1725) became the Tsar of Russia after the death of his brpther Tsar Feodor.He brought the church under state control and modernized the administrative.military and judiciary to expand his rule after successive wars.

How old was Peter the Great when he ruled Russia?

He was 10 years old when he became the official tzar, but started to rule since 17.

How did Peter the Great's rule affect Russian serfs?

He heavily taxed almost all products, resulting in the serfs becoming poor.

Why is Peter the Great called great even though his rule is known as a disorderly rule?

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Who Peter the Great and divine right?

Peter the Great was the czar of Russia in 1689. He decided to build Russia's first navy and he embarked on a policy of westernization. Westernization is the adaptation of western ideas, technology, and culture. Divine right is the believe that a rulers power to rule came from God.