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Q: What was the most highly regarded by the middle class during the 1800s?
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What social group grew fastest during 1800s?

middle class

Where there automobiles in the 1800s?

In the VERY late 1800s. 1896 is regarded as the date of birth of the autobile as we know it.

What influenced art in America during the middle 1800s?

J'aime vou çi la dou

What was the other European country besides great Britain that had a constitutional monarchy during the middle 1800s?


European nations gained influence and territory in the Middle East during the 1800s because?

European nations didn't gain any territory in the Middle East in the 1800s - Britain effectively took over control of Egypt in 1882, but Egypt is in North Africa rather than the Middle East, which remained under Ottoman control until well into WW1, in the 20th century. Whoever set the question is mistaken about events in the region during the 1800s.

Did they have middle school in the 1800s?

no not exactly

Why did many immigrants move to middle Atlantic cities during the late 1800s and early 1900s c?

because they wanted freedom

Which statement best characterizes the Transcendentalism Movement?

Transcendentalism was a religious and philosophical movement in the United States during the early to middle 1800s.

What was considered middle aged in the 1800s?

In the early 1800s, middle age was considered around 30 to 35. Thanks to the advancements in medicine and health, middle age is now considered to be around 50.

What is the life expectancy in the middle 1800s?

About 35-45 years.

What was the capital of Japan in the middle 1800s?

The capital of Japan was Kyoto.

How did the US during the 1800s?

By Immigration.