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Allies and central powers are so kool and if u dont know then u are so stupid!!!! :) LOSER!!!!

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Q: What were the similarities and differences between the Central Powers and Allies?
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What are similarities between the Franco-Prussian war and world war 1?

Little to none. The 1871 war created Germany. WWI was a power struggle between the Central Powers and the allies.

Who won between the central powers and the allied powers?

The allies did in 1917

What agreement was signed between allies and central powers?

the treaty of Paris

Countries of World War I?

there are actually Quite a lot of countries involved in ww1 Great britain (Allies America (Allies, joined in april, 1917) Germany (Central powers) France (Allies) Russia (Allies, left in February 1917 due to Russian Revolution) Turkey (Central powers) Italy (Allies) Romania (Allies) Serbia (Allies Greece (Allies) Austria-Hungary (Central powers) Bosnia (Central powers) Bulgaria (Central powers) British Empire (Allies) Belgium (Allies) Portugal (Allies) hope this helps you :-)

Compare the strength of Allies and Central Powers?

the allies were stronger

Did the central powers or the allies win in ww1?

The Allies won.

Was the Ottoman Empire with the central power or the allies?

central powers

Who was the war between in World War 1?

The Allies (France, Italy, Russia, Serbia, England and later the US were some major countries) and the Central Powers (Germany, The Ottoman Empire and Austria -Hungary) :)

How did the central powers and the allies try to influence American public opinion?

How did the central powers and allies try to influence American public opinion

Is Bulgaria allies or central?

its a Nato member

Why did the peace treaty between Communist Russia and the Central Powers make the Allies angry?

Are you trying to cheat on a test? Go study.

Why did the US want the Allies to win World War I?

The US had many similarities with the Allies including ancestry, language, economy, and government systems.