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The German invasion of France started on 10 May 1940 and resulted in the French surrendering on 22 June 1940.

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May 10, 1940 Germany invades France.

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Q: When Germany attacked on France during world war 2?
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What country attacked first in World War 1?

Germany attacked France by invading through the north of Belgium. Poland was attacked by Germany to start world war 2.

How did the dispute between Austria-Hungary and Serbia involve France in World War 1?

Serbia assassinated arch duke Ferdinand Austria attacked Serbia Russia attacked Austria because they were allied to Serbia Germany attacked Russia because Germany was allied to Austria France and England were allies of Russia, so Germany attacked France France was then in war with Germany

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Germany invaded France during World War II.

Which was the first country attacked that caused World War 2?

Germany attacked Poland on September 1, 1939, which resulted in England and France declaring war on Germany.

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No, Germany was France's enemy.

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No country attacked Germany in World War 2 (which you seem to be confusing with the Holocaust). Germany was the aggressor.

Where did Germany attack during World War 2?

Poland, Holland, Belgium, France, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Yugoslavia, Greece, and the Soviet Union were attacked by German armies and air forces. Also, Great Britain and Malta were heavily attacked by Germany from the air, and at sea the ships of many Allied nations were attacked by the Germany Navy.

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Was France attacked by Japan in World war 2?

Yes, the French colony of Indochina was conquered by the Japanese after Germany defeated France.

Who was attacked first during World War 2?

Germany invaded Poland.

What did Germany do to show it was ready for World War 2?

it attacked France austria Czechoslovakia Poland etc

What area did France and Germany fight for control of during World War 2?
