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Jean Chretien stopped being Prime Minister on 2003 December 12, concluding over 10 years in office as Prime Minister of Canada.

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Q: When did Jean Chretien stop being prime minister?
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Who was the Prime Minister of Canada on September 11?

Jean Chretien

Who was the prime minister of Canada from 1993 to 2003?

The Right Honorable Joseph Jacques Jean Chretien was the 20th Prime Minister of Canada from 1993 November 4 to 2003 December 12.Both Brian Mulroney and Kim Campbell were Prime Minister in 1993 as well, before Jean Chretien.Paul Martin was Prime Minister in 2003 after Jean Chretien.

Why did Jean Chretien become Prime Minister in 2000?

jean got appointed by the governer general

Who was the Prime Minister of Canada in 2002?

Jean Chretien was the Prime Minister of Canada in 1996. (served 1993-2003)John Major was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 1996. (served 1990-1997)*For other information, see the specific country question (Prime Minister of ____ ).

Who was the Prime Minister of BC in 1995?

Mike Harcourt was the Premier, or First Minister, of British Columbia in 1995. The Prime Minister of Canada in 1995 was Jean Chretien.

Who was the president of canada in 1996?

Canada does not have a President, rather they have a Prime Minister. In 1996, Jean Chretien was the Prime Minister of Canada. He held the position from 1993 to 2003.

When did Jean Chretien first get elected as a prime minister?

He served as Prime Minister of Canada for just over 10 years (from November '93 to December '03).

Who was the prime minister in 1995?

This depends on the country. Reask your question or see related questions. Canada: Jean Chretien was the Prime Minister in 1995. UK: John Major was the prime minister of the UK in 1995.

What country is it that Jean Chretien appears in the elections?

Jean Chrétien served as Prime Minister of Canada from 1993 to 2003. He was the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and participated in federal elections in Canada.

Who was the Canada pime minister in 1997?

jean Chretien

Was the prime minister of Canada in 1998?

The Right Honorable Joseph Jacques Jean Chrétien(Liberal) was the Prime Minister of Canada in 1998.Chretien was the 20th Prime Minister of Canada from 1993 November 4 to 2003 December 12.

Who is the last prime minister of Canada?

The sixteenth prime minister was the Right Honourable Joe Clark.