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Having seen the first movie, there is hardly any physical bullying in the movie, apart from one of the scenes where the older one tries to dominate over the younger girl and the main protagonist.

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Peer Pressure,Teasing,Spreading Rumors

verbal, cyber

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Q: When is there physical bullying on the movie mean girls?
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What does active bullying mean?

To me it means that if you activly do it its like physical bullying but all bullying is the same no matter if its Cyber,Physical,Mental,or Active. All the same because you are still hurting someone thats my opinion.

What types of bulling is there?

If you meant bullying then verbal(Ex. mean words, cyber bullying??) and physical(ex. punching, kicking)

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it is the same as normall bullying. degrading someone or hurting them to be mean or feel some kind of power over them.however in normal bullying the bully is NT in a relationship with the person being bullyed so they do not have the same resources or amo as the person n the relationship.

What is physical and verbal bullying?

One of the three types of bullying is physical bullying. Physical bullying includes hitting, kicking, slapping, pinching, biting, poking and choking. It also includes destroying personal belongings. One way to avoid physical bullying is to stay in a large group of friends. Or, If you are in school, try taking a different route to your classes than the bully. Anyone bullying you using physical contact. Whether it be hitting, pushing or using a weapon against you.

What is Miranda Cosgrove's favorite movie?

Her favourite movie is Mean Girls (2004)

What are the main types of bullying?

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the word bullying means that when a bigger person or sometimes a littler person wont stop picking on you or begging you for your lunch money and dropping and or tripping you and your friends and laugh at you. that's what the word bullying means. Someone that picks on others with the intent of harming them, not physically, but mentally.

Why do guys pick on girls?

Guys may pick on girls for a variety of reasons such as seeking attention, trying to impress their friends, or feeling insecure about themselves. It is important to address and challenge this behavior to promote respect and equality among all individuals.

Are there differences in bullying experiences of girls and boys?

Boys and girls may be teased about different things. You won't see a girl picked on for caring about her appearance, while boys may be caled girly, and vice versa, boys won't be teased for not dressing fancy enough. Long hair in boys is less acceptable than short hair in girls, and girls can get away with 'nerdiness' a little more. Boy bullies resort to physical more than psychological bullying, and girls generally avoid physical, although I have been shoved in the hallways by a girl repeatedly (obviously not by accident, as said by an adult witness), preferring to resort to rumors and the 'you can't ____(sit, be in a group, etc.) with me' method. Verbal bullying is common for both genders as it's the easiest to hide.

What movie has the quote love you mean it?

mean girls!

What movie had a burn book about all the girls?

mean girls Mean girls with Lindsey Lohan and Rachel McAdams

What are some movies about bullying?

Orphan, Mean girls, benchwarmers, Remember me, Dairy of a whimp kid, The Clique, I am number four.