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Social Psychology Quarterly was created in 1937.

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Q: When was Social Psychology Quarterly created?
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How does social psychology differ from psychology?

Social Psychology is a particular branch of Psychology - I would not say that it "differs" from Psychology, but rather that it is a specialization or type of Psychology. It focuses not only on groups of people, but also on how individuals interact with other people whether in large or small groups. Some particular areas of interest within social psychology are persuasion, in-groups and out-groups, decision-making, and stereotyping. So although Social Psych. is a sub-field of Psychology, it is still quite broad and varied.

How does social psychology differ from subdisplines of psychology?

Psychology -- the scientific study of behavior and mental processes, contains many sub-fields -- such as comparative (animals v. humans); biological; psychotherapy or counseling; abnormal or psychopathology, and SOCIAL. Social psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes that examines social interactions and how we humans think about other humans. This sub-field of Social Psychology might examine what tends to influence people, how we tend to react in social situation, how we form and express attitudes and beliefs about the world, how we attribute causes to phenomena, conformity, racism and so forth. etc.Personality psychology is a separate area of investigation, but is more and more combined with Social Psychology. The focus of Personality in contrast to Social is on qualities we are born with or that form which are maintained over time and across situations. The psychology of Personality will tend to examine how we DIFFER from one another whereas Social Psych. will TEND to emphasize general laws of behavior or how HUMANS, on AVERAGE, react to various situations. These are different ways of viewing the world, but might be used to examine the same or similar phenomena: both are legitimate thus the combining of the two subfields.

In the history of psychology and social psychology the late 1800s and early 1900s?

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What exams do you have?

Sociology, pediatrics, psychology, social psychology, neurophysiology, statistics, proposition logic

How does social psychology emerge as a discipline in twenth century?

While some of the basic concepts of social psychology were mentioned as early as Plato's time, social psychology as a modern discipline began in earnest after World War II. After the scope of the Holocaust was revealed, social scientists began studying the effects of conformity and obedience on social behavior.

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Journal of Social Psychology was created in 1929.

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Journal of Experimental Social Psychology was created in 1965.

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European Association of Social Psychology was created in 1966.

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Journal of Applied Social Psychology was created in 1971.

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British Journal of Social Psychology was created in 1962.

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The Quarterly was created in 1987.

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