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it is so rare that theres on a couple of canary diamonds in the world

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Q: Where are canary diamonds found?
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Where in Africa are diamonds found?

Diamonds are found in India, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Russia and South Africa, plus additional countries on the African continent. It can be said that commercial diamond mining became popular when a volcanic pipe that brought diamonds to the earth's surface, was found near the city of Kimberly, South Africa in 1867. Diamonds are found on every continent on earth except Europe and Antarctica.

How big is the Grand Canary?

The Grand Canary is one of the islands in the Canary Island archipelago. It is 1,560 square kilometers in size.

Do canaries live in canary islands?

Yes, the wild canary comes from the Canary and surrounding islands. The domestic canary is a descendant of the wild bird.However, the bird is named for the islands, not the other way around. The Canary Islands were named for dogs, real or otherwise, the Latin name Canariae.

Is there any way to use a secret code to get pixie diamonds?

hi there , well you cant put a code and get pixie diamonds. the only two ways you can get pixie diamonds is to let you're parents pay on-line for pixie diamonds for you're fairy or by entering the pixie diamonds sweepstakes contest and get free pixie diamonds! so sorry there is no codes for pixie diamonds. i hope this helped! oh well you know what? i wish there was such thing as pixie diamond codes and if i know one i will give it to you oh well Sry no pixie diamonds codes. add me in pixie hollow! my fairy's name is flora and this is one of my levels: 19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 if u found me one of these levels that's me! P.S i think the code is diamonds or pixie diamonds or free pixie diamonds or free diamonds try one of them and if none worked sorry idk any. :(

Related questions

Where are canary yellow diamonds generally found?

Canary yellow diamonds can be found ion many regions the most valuable come from South Africa.

What are canary diamonds?

Canary diamonds are yellow-tinted diamonds.

Where can one purchase canary diamonds?

Canary diamonds are bright yellow-colored diamonds. One can purchase them from jewelers, as well as from online mega-retailers such as eBay and Amazon.

What are Canaries?

Canary diamonds are yellow-tinted diamonds.

When was the canary diamond discovered?

The first canary diamond to be discovered was the Yellow Canary Diamond found in Africa in 1866. It was called the Eureka diamond. It was pale yellow and was 10.7 carats. The presence of nitrogen in the diamond creation process is what adds the yellow color to the diamond.Another AnswerThe Eureka Diamond was the first diamond discovered in South Africa; it is brownish-yellow in colour. Read more about it, below.The notion 'canary' as a descriptor of a diamond came about closer to the late 1890s - early 1900s, when Cape diamonds -- diamonds found in South Africa, were defined as such. The first Cape yellow diamond was found in 1869.You can read more about yellow diamonds -- canary diamonds -- and how they got their name in a brief history, below.

What are some of the positive highlights of a canary diamond?

Yellow diamonds cost more than colorless diamonds most of the time. There is only one yellow diamond in the world for every 10,000 white diamonds, which is the reason they are considered so valuable. Also, because the amount of nitrogen in the diamond is always different, every yellow canary diamond is one of kind, also adding value. It is uncommon for yellow canary diamonds to be found in diamond mines. Yellow diamonds from the mine are often not as vibrant yellow, and therefore are not as valuable as the ones found naturally in the ground.

How is the canary diamond made?

Canary diamonds -- yellow diamonds -- are formed deep within the earth's mantel under heavy pressure and extreme heat, like all diamonds. The yellow colour comes from the inclusion of nitrogen within the carbon crystal matrix.

What is another name for yellow diamonds?

Yellow diamonds are sometimes called canary diamonds. A significantly large yellow diamond is owned by Tiffany and Company, and is named The Tiffany Diamond.

What does lemon colored chain with the v cut mean?

The chain is made with Canary Diamond diamonds V-Cuts- An expensive method for cutting diamonds

Where are diamonds not found?

Diamonds are not found in a great many different places. Diamonds are not found floating in the ocean for example.

The difference between canary diamond and yellow?

Both "canary" and "yellow" are words that can be used to describe a yellow colored diamond, althoguh keep in mind that a true, natural yellow diamond is NOT graded on the same scale as a white diamond that has a lot of yellow in it .

Can diamonds be found underground?

Yes, diamonds can be found underground. In fact, most diamonds are mined from the earth.