There is no route 233 on Platinum, Diamond or Pearl.
There is 233 pages in the book Holes233 pages in the hardback year 2000 version
We're missing a dimension here. 233 feet is a distance. It would need to be multiplied by another distance to get square footage.
You can't find the LCM of a single number. You need at least two. If that's 122 and 233, the LCM is 28426. If that's 12, 22 and 33, the LCM is 8712.
Actors Entertainment - 2009 ActorsE Chat with John Michael Ferrari and Judith Jones 2-233 was released on: USA: 20 December 2010
There is no route 233 on Platinum, Diamond or Pearl.
you can find a octilery at route 233 with a good rod
I don't think there is one, sorry.
no it goes up to 230
When you go to sunyshore city to battle the last gym leader after you beat him you have to go get the move waterfall from jasmine who is the girl on the sand. Then you use surf on the water behind her which is route 233.
If you're asking specifically about the Unova Pokedex; there is no number 233. If you are asking about in the National Pokedex, it's Porygon2.
According to the AA route planner it is 233 miles and will take about 4hours to drive, a little longer if you take a break on route.
Porygon2 is #233 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.
Porygon2 is #233 in the national pokedex, and it is a Ghost-Grass type Pokemon.
233 x 233 = 54289
There is a TM on route 233 containing crush claw.