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Stilt houses are found in places that get heavy rainfall to avoid flooding of houses. The area around the house is normally wet, marshy land. We may find stilt houses in Arunachal Pradesh .

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Q: Where can you find stilt houses in India?
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Why does black winged stilt migrate to India?

The reason why cuckoo bird migrate to india is to escape from winter they fly to warmer areas like india

Where can you find bollywood?

Bollywood is not a person which can be found. It is an industry which produces movies. There are many production houses within the Bollywood industry.

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What are Mozambique houses like?

It depends on the region. In any region, in the big centres, the most common are builings, in which people live in apartments. But in smaller cities, besides apartments, most people lives in houses. In North-East, houses are very colourful, and most of the times, not very big. They're close one to the other, side by side, and the different colours gives the street a great vivacity. In the Southern rigion, houses are very similar to European houses, specially Germans house style, because this region was colognized by European people, bringing to there their culture and build style. In south-East, the richest and most developed region, houses are like the houses in the United States coast, not different from what most people know as a house. In Centre-West region, where the capitol (Brasilia) is located, houses are like those from South-East. It's also a rich region specially for being the centre of the politic government. Northern region, where the Amazon is located, is not very occupied, but there are big cities in there like Manaus, where most people live in apartment, or regular houses. Going more to the countryside, in the rural area, houses are more like farm houses. In the Northen region are there few people living in small houses build margin the rivers, with their structures on the rivers, they're most poor people. In the other regions, the place where poor houses were buit and where poor people lives are known as Slumbs

What are rainforest houses called?

they use the local sewage and other materials to build the house poo as we know it is used for the walls and flooring to keep it damp and fresh, also waterproof