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dig in the underground. i found that they frequent more in the middle and the upper left corner

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Q: Where is the best place to get crandios fossil?
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Where to get crandios fossil in diamond?

Use the explorer kit and get lucky. ;)

Were to get crandios fossil in diamond version?

go underground and dig. once you find the skull fossil go up. go to the fossil museum in Orburge city and the man will give you it.

Pokemon platiunm how to get the fossils for crandios?

go underground an start digging, you'll find some kind of fossil eventually.

In Pokemon diamond where do you find fosil of crandios?

you have to go underground and dig until you find a fossil, you can also find Aerodactyl, bastiodon, ammonite, and omastar. This takes a long time to find a fossil though.

In Pokemon pearl where do you find fosil of crandios?

you cant unless someone from diamond trades you a Pokemon holding one or if they give you a cranidos. or you can dig underground for a skull fossil

Where do you get craniados?

you get crandios by going under groud and dig for stuff but it takes a while becauses you might just shures for a while but then you start getting fossils and crandos is a fossil when you get the fossil you take it to the fossil guy that is in the mining musum and he will ask for the fossil and then you say yes and then go out side and then come back in make sure you have an empy slot in your party.

Where is the best place to get miraculous fossil on fossil fighters champions?

So far I have found 5 in the lower part of Mt. Krakanak

On Pokemon platenem What is the best place underground to get a fossil of a airadactely?

i always find them in rout 204

Where can I find some fossil coupon codes?

Fossil coupon codes can be found on many sites, specifically coupon code sites. However, the best place to find coupon codes would be the official website for Fossil.

Where does burning fossil fuels take place?

Burning of fossil Fuels takes place in the Engine of you vehicles.If take place in power plants.

How do you win level three in fossil fighters?

using your best fossil

What are 3 things can fossil tell us?

It tells you the Age, Place is was from and the Species of the Fossil