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Britain and France

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Q: Which European nation focused its exploration efforts primarily on Canada?
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The US Government focused the nation's economic resources primarily on the war efforts.

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Was mercantilism concerned with the actively spreading Christianity throughout the new world?

No, mercantilism was primarily an economic theory focused on maximizing the wealth and power of the state through policies such as regulating trade, accumulating precious metals, and establishing colonies. While some European powers did spread Christianity as part of their colonial efforts, this was not the primary goal of mercantilism.

What was the time period when Europe colonized Asia and Africa called?

the first European colonization wave took place from the early 15th century (Portuguese conquest of Ceuta in 1415) until the early 19th century (French invasion of Algeria in 1830), and primarily involved the European colonization of the Americas, though it also included the creation of European colonies in India and other Asian countries (Spanish conquest of Philippines). The colonization of Africa largely did not take place during this era. During this period, European interests in Africa were primarily focused on the establishment of trading posts there, particularly for the Atlantic slave trade.The second major phase of European colonization, which was primarily focused on Africa and Asia, is known as the period of the New Imperialism.

Objective of British pirates?

The objective of the british pirates was to find gold.

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the Barbizon School .

Henry James was a author known for writing of the clash between?

Yes, Henry James was an author known for his exploration of the clash between American and European cultures in his novels. He often focused on themes of innocence versus experience and the complexities of human relationships.