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Ares, Apollon, Artemis, and Aphrodite all sided with the Trojans.

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Q: Which Greek divinity did not side with the Greeks in the Trojan War?
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With whom did Athena side in the Trojan War?

Athena supported the Greeks (Achaeans).

What is the good side of Trojan war?

There wasn't really a "good" side or a "bad" side it was a war to rescue Helen of Troy since Paris stole her so technically you could say the Greeks were the good side because they were trying to get back Helen and the other kings joined in because of an agreement they signed when the Greek king married her.

How many wars did Achilles fight in?

Phthia, as he says in the first book of the Iliad in his rant to Agamemnon.

How did the Greeks finally enter the city of Troy after many attempts?

They got in a horse (that they made out of wood)as a gift of showing that they were giving up and the Trojans saw it and took it in their city and then at night the Greeks in the horse quietly crept out and let the Greek army in that was waiting out side. when they came in they killed the city and took back Helen.

Who killed Achilles and how did he kill him and what was his reasons?

Achilles was killed by Paris during the Trojan War. Paris was Helen of Troy's kidnapper whom was the woman who caused the Trojan War. Paris was described as to being a cowardly individual whom had no intentions of fighting and was why he used his arrows. He shot Achilles in the heel, that's where Achilles heel' came from. Some say that Apollo, whom was on the Trojan's side, assisted in directing the arrow. Paris probably most likely killed Achilles because Achilles was the Achaean's (Greeks) best fighter and to avenge his brother, Hector's, death.