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Swami Dayanand Saraswathi Founder of Arya Samaj.

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Q: Which Indian leader gave the slogan'India for Indians'?
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Which Indian leader gave the slogan Simon go back?

Lala Lajpat Rai

Why is the Indian act an important piece of legislation?

The Indian Act of Canada was (still is) a law designed to integrate "Indians" in Canada into the mainstream economy and culture. Introduced in 1876, the act allowed the Canadian government almost complete control over how Indians lived and interacted with non-Indians. At the same time, it gave the government special responsibility for the health, education, and lands of much of the Indian population.

Who gave the slogan be proud that you are an Indian proudly claim i am an Indian every Indian is my brother?

swami vivekanand

Why did Indian giver start?

In reality the term Indian giver didn't begin until a while after the US kept moving the Native Americans to reservations. When someone says Indian giver they aren't making racist remarks to Indians. If you analyze the phrase an Indian giver is someone who GIVES TO INDIANS it does not mean an Indian that gives to others. If you are an Indian giver YOU GIVE to Indians. Now this isn't the actual meaning but only a surface view that has more depth. This phrase became popular because the Americans gave to Indians many things such as food, land, and animals. The twist is that they would eventually take what they "gave" to the Native Americans, such as the land so that they could live on. But because the land was rich in soil the Americans took it from them and moved them to smaller reservations every time where the land did not prosper. When people say I'm not an Indian giver they mean "I do not give to others and then take it from them by surprise." Once analyzed when you say Indian giver you aren't disgracing Native Americans, but you are talking bad about the early Americans. Hope this helped and please pass this on because people are banning this and think it's talking falsely of Indians when in reality it has nothing bad about them. This phrase is actually good because it carries a piece of American history.

What is the trade between Dehli Daredevils and Mumbai Indians?

The Mumbai Indians gave Ashish Nehra and got Shikhar Dhawan from the Dehli Daredevils.

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Which Indian leader gave the slogan Simon go back?

Lala Lajpat Rai

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Christopher Columbus named the Natives of America Indians. Christopher Columbus gave this name because he thought he was near the Indian Ocean and the people were Indians.

Why was the Indian National congress important?

The original intention of the Indian National Congress when it was founded in 1885 was to be a political party that represented the Indian people. At that time, India was a colony of England, and some Indians felt they had no voice or representation in decisions made by the government. The Indian National Congress sought a greater role in making policy, and wanted to advocate for laws that benefited the Indian people (rather than laws that just seemed to benefit the British colonial rulers).

Why is the Indian act an important piece of legislation?

The Indian Act of Canada was (still is) a law designed to integrate "Indians" in Canada into the mainstream economy and culture. Introduced in 1876, the act allowed the Canadian government almost complete control over how Indians lived and interacted with non-Indians. At the same time, it gave the government special responsibility for the health, education, and lands of much of the Indian population.

What decision did the British government make in 1935?

The British gave in to mounting Indian and international pressures and agreed to establish provinces that were governed entirely by Indians

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Treaty of Greenville

What kind of homes did the settlers in Maryland live in?

Their first residences were in an Indian village of the Yaocomico Indians who gave up their village to the Colonists. Their first homes were wigwams.

What was traded to the French by the indian's?

The Indians traded the French furs of animals such as fox, otter,beavers, marten, and mink. In return the French gave the Indians pottery and steel knifes, guns,clothing,beads and much more.

How did many Americans react to The Kings ban on settling on Indians lands?

he later gave up but king George 3 banned colonists from settling on Indian lands.