Libya(56) has the highest rating for an African nation on the Human Development Index and is the only African nation ranked in the "High" category. Next would be Tunisia(91), Algeria(104), Egypt (112) and Sudan (178)
These exclude the island nations of Seychelles(50) and Mauritius(65).
The Human Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education, and standards of living for countries worldwide. It is a standard means of measuring well-being, especially child welfare. It is used to distinguish whether the country is a developed, a developing, or an under-developed country, and also to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life.
No. Juding from the United Nations Development Programme's IHDI score, Sweden is third best developed country in the world.
South Africa See related link
Nigeria Ground Troops of the Nigerian Army.
No Zimbabwe does not have the best education in Africa
yes i join a cricket academy in south africa.Plz join me i m best player in pakistan country
it would be
D. Standard of living is usually used to determine the best economic system.
South Korea
The higher the education the higher the standard of living because people can earn more money.
According to Standard and Poors, it is currently Botswana, narrowly beating out South Africa.
South Africa by far! It's the most developed region in Africa.
South Africa by far.
Mass production makes goods more available for consumers, thus raising the standard of living in the country.
South africa
Africa is not a country. It is a continent consisting of more than 50 different countries.
In terms of Human rights, freedom of speech and a highly developed economy with the best infrastructure it would have to be South Africa.
First, it is not clear that England did have the highest standard of living; this sounds like something that came from a British textbook, and while there certainly may be some truth in it, other countries like Canada, the United States, and Sweden might say their standard of living was equally high. Among the reasons why a country has a high standard of living are a strong economy, a good education system, healthy citizens, social mobility, and leadership that keeps the country feeling unified. As much as England has managed to achieve, it is not the only country to have these things.