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Q: Which is brighter regulus or Procyon?
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What is the difference between the magnitudes of the bright stars Regulus and Procyon?

regulus is 1.36 and procyon is 0.36 so the differnece is 1

Which is brighter Procyon or Gomeisa?

Procyon is a binary starProcyon A has an apparent magnitude of +0.34Procyon B has an apparent magnitude of +10.7Gomeisa has an apparent magnitude of +2.89So Procyon A is brighter than Gomeisa but Procyon B is dimmer.

What are 8 conspicuous stars with magnitude of one or higher?

Aldeberan, Vega, Rigel, Betelgeuse, Altair, Arcturus, Sirius, Procyon, Capella, Spica, Antares, Deneb, Regulus, and the Sun are.

Which is smaller in size Procyon or Procyon B?

Awnser it

What is scientific name of raccoon?

Procyon LotorThe scientific name of the common raccoon is Procyon lotor.The scientific name of the Raccoon is Procyon lotor.

Lightyear of the procyon?

Procyon is 11.41 light years from Earth.

How hot is Procyon?

Procyon has a surface temperature of about 6,530 degrees kelvin

What constellation is Procyon in?

Procyon is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Minor

What is the Regulus star?

the color of the star regulus is blue-white

What is the population of Regulus Therapeutics?

The population of Regulus Therapeutics is 54.

What is regulus star?

the color of the star regulus is blue-white

What is the meaning of regulus the star?

The name Regulus means King