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Q: Which philosophical leader was born in 500 BC in India and later became known as Buddha or the enlightened one?
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Who found Buddhist?

Buddhism was founded in 560 BC by Siddharta Gautama. Siddharta founded and proclaimed the middle path as the way to find truth. He reached highest knowledge through meditation and became Buddha - The Enlightened One. Siddharta Buddha died at age 80. Buddha is not thought of as a god, but as a highly respected leader and teacher. It is estimated that there are 600 million Buddhists in the world.

A man whom everyone trusted?

Gautama Buddha is a man whom everyone trusted. He was a spiritual leader and teacher. His name means "the enlightened one" which was given to him by the people he influenced.

What Buddhist think about Buddha?

Buddhists think the Buddha was an enlightened man who worked his way to an understanding of suffering and pain and developed a path away from these undesirable things. He then shared this understanding with others. Buddhists do not think of Buddha as a god, savior, Christ-figure. He can be honored and revered as a teacher and a leader, but not worshipped as a deity.

Which leader is described an enlightened despot?

The answer is A Frederick the Great.

What are Enlightened Statesman?

James Madison wrote about the enlightened statesman in the Federalist Paper No.10 it means an intelligent leader.

Who is the leader in buddism?

Ghandi LOLjk, Buddha

What religious leader was called the enlightened one?

Siddhartha Gautama

A leader of the buddist religion is?

Siddhartha Guatama (Buddha)

Who are the main leaders of Buddishm?

Buddhism takes different forms in different countries, and amongst different sects. Tibetan Buddhism recognizes the Dalai Lama as the spiritual and political leader of Tibet. There are also Rimpoches, who are lamas who, through lifetimes of Buddhist practice, have reached an understanding of the true nature of reality deep enough that they can identify who they were in their past lives - always another accomplished lama. Rimpoches have power because they are thought to have a deeper understanding of the Buddha's teaching. For the most part, teachers and accomplished lamas are the leaders.

Is Buddha the god of Buddhism?

Buddha was not a god, never claimed to be a god, and did not call himself a god. He lived his life like a normal human. He was awake and a human just like you and me, he bled, got sick and he died of food poisoning. A god would not die from food poisoning. Yes, Buddha never claimed himself as a god, but he was a great teacher. When asked if he were a God, Buddha said No. "Then, teacher, what are you?" to which he replied... "Awake!"

Why was the hall of great Buddha built?

for the monks to hounr their leader

Was Buddha a leader of something?

The historic Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) was a Prince and would have been ruler of his country on his fathers death.