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Q: Which planet has seven hills named after the seven astronauts killed in the Columbia mission mishap in 2004?
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What are outtakes?

Out-takes are scenes which were cut from the original script because of a mishap; be it a mistake in grammar, an actor bumps into something, laughter erupts from a mistake, but the funny out-takes are usually the ones shown just before the ending credits, or during.

In the movie speed what do the police department give the retired cops as a gift?

Retired police officers receive a gold watch as a parting gift. Ironically, it is this same watch that retired police officer Howard Payne uses as a trigger for a bomb he has planted on a bus. His plan is to extort a huge sum of money to compensate him for having to retire on a disability pension after injuring his hand in an explosives mishap.

In what movie was the wolfman cured in the end?

There was such a movie. the man involved was a Nasa test-pilot and he had some bout with cosmic rays and his face was burned , hair grew in, etc. It was really a science fiction movie as the ( werewolf) appearance was explained away as a re-entry mishap. He was eventually cured = by Nasa or equivalent doctors. I cannot recall the name of the picture but it was more science fiction than Lycanthropy.

Who was the first ever astronaut that flew to the moon?

The only astronaunt that went to the moon twice is James Lovell. He was on the crew of both Apollo 8 and Apollo 13, and would have landed had they not had the mishap that wrecked the mission. He was fortunate to have returned to earth safely. Actually Jim Lovell was NOT the only astronaut to go to the moon twice - there were two others! - John Young went twice - as CM pilot on Apollo 10 and as commander of Apollo 16. - Gene Cernan also went twice - as LM pilot on Apollo 10 and as commander of Apollo 17.

Does kahlan ever get pregnant by Richard?

Without knowing if this happens in a film, TV show, or in a book I cannot tell youPersonally I think they might because they did "it" like one time in the show on season 2. But I am currently reading the books so I might be able to tell youThat's not true. I remember that episode well. Kahlan and Richard do "do" it but because kahlan was "torn" (because of the magic from the amulut, a magical mishap causes Kahlan to be divided into two people. The compassionate and emotional side of Kahlan stays with Richard and Cara, while the rational and duty-bound Mother Confessor travels with Zedd to Aydindril) the Confessor duty Kahlan slept with Felton confessing him to conceave a female confessor while Richard and emotional Kahlan slept with Richard. Both Kahlans got pregeant but after the two halves were combined back, the events were erased from existance.