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Q: Who determines the punishment for violating a Special Olympics Code of Conduct in Nebraska?
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What could happen if you didn't follow these rules?

Because all things related to fitness were taken so seriously, violating any rules in the Olympics meant a punishment worse than death; if the local government was in a good mood, they may only prevent you from watching the games ever again, or they might have you executed, in extreme cases, violating the rules in the Olympics meant being banished from your city. Read more:If_you_didnt_follow_the_rules_of_ancient_pankration_what_would_happen

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Where did the first special Olympics take place?

The Special Olympics is held around the University of Nebraska Lincoln and the Lincoln community.

How do they determine where to hold the Olympics?

The Olympics are determined by the National Olympic Committee every year.

What was the penalty for women who attended the ancient Olympics as spectators?

The punishment for a woman attending the Olympics was to be thrown off mount Typaeum.This is not a fake answer

What does GBR mean in the Olympics?

It stand for Go Big Red and the Nebraska Cornhuskers. GBR!

What was the penlty for cheating in the Olympics?

In the Ancient Olympics the punishment was to pay for the construction of a statue of Zeus (for whose honour the Olympics were held). And there must ave been a fair bit of cheating around because they were a lot of statues of Zeus at Olympia... In the Modern Olympics you get banned and stripped of your medals (which probably applied to the Ancient Olympians as well, but I don't know for certain).

Who determines where the Olympics are held?

The Olympic Games are organized and governed by the International Olympic Commitee (IOC). It sets the general program, chooses the city where the games are to be held, and determines the standards of amateurism.

Was cheating in the Ancient Olympics okay?

No. The Greeks placed much stigma on cheating, if and when it was discovered. Punishment included disqualification and exclusion.

Why were some Olympic Games skipped?

As for the modern Olympics, countries were to busy trying to destroy each other during two world wars, than competing in sports. Jimmy Carter prohibited the USA from competing in the 1980 Summer Olympics as a response to Russsia violating human rights and the soviergn rights of independent countries. Worls Wars have also prevented countries from competing in the Olympics. Some countries, like South Africa (apartheid) were prohibited from competing due to political reasons.

Who determines what swimmer touches wall first in Olympics?

on the wall their is a touch pad and when touched it goes off it is all recorded electronically, when near the end watch the side of the starting block a light will flash red.

What other Olympics are there?

Winter Olympics , summer Olympics and Para Olympics .