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That would be Scott Adams.[1]

Some interesting trivia:

* He used to work at Pacific Bell, and worked closely with telecom engineers, where he first got his ideas. * He first published Dilbert in 1989, while still employed at Pacific Bell. * He has dyslexia and focal dystonia (commonly knows as "writer's cramp"), he also has spasmodic dysphonia, which affects his speech. * He is a trained hypnotist.

* He is a vegetarian. * In 1997, posing as a management consultant, and wearing a disguise, Adams worked with senior leadership at Logitech to create an incomprehensible mission statement.

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Q: Who is the creator of the cartoon Dilbert?
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There are probably several cartoons that feature just that, but Dilbert is the one that will immediately come to mind. Dilbert was even made into an animated series for two seasons. From 1999 to 2000.

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You can get your daily dose of Dilbert from the official Dilbert website or by subscribing to the Dilbert newsletter. Dilbert comics are also published in various newspapers and can be found in compiled books or on social media platforms.

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2012: No.

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