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Captain Rex is not in any Star Wars Movies only that movie in Clone Wars. The person who plays Captain Rex is Dee Bradley Baker and he is the voice for all clones in Clone Wars.

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No. So far, the only character originally from a series to have appeared in a film is Saw Gerrera, in "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" and he was played by Forest Whitaker

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Q: Who plays captain rex in the movies?
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How does captain rex die in movies?

no, captain rex does not die. at least... not yet..

Who plays captain rex?

Captain Rex and ALL of the clones in the TV series "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" are voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.

Who plays captain rex in the clone wars?

Dee Bradley Baker

Who is in Star Wars clone wars who isn't in the Star Wars movies?

The two that i can think of are Asoka Tano and Captain Rex.

Who or how did captain rex die?

Rex's fate has not been revealed

What color was captain Rex's light saber?

Sorry, but Rex doesn't have a lightsaber. He is a clone captain, not a Jedi.

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No. Captain Rex died when he was in battle and I think by Asaj Ventress

Why does captain rex where a mask?

To be safe.

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What happpened to captain rex after order 66?

Rex's fate is still to be revealed

Is Cody higher than rex?

of course Cody is a commander and rex is captain

Who played in Generator Rex?

Someone plays rex in generater rex.