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Q: Who possesses the factors of production in Canada?
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Who possesses the factors of production?

the entrepreneur possesses all other factors of production because he performs managerial functions.which include risk bearing,employment of labour,he provides the necessary capital needed for production.

Who possesses the factors of production in Russia and how are the resources allocated?

The companies.

Who own the factors of production in Canada?

Alex dabek

What are the factors of production in Canada?

Land,labour,and Capitol

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Factors of production

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You should define that a bit. It could be wheat production, lumber, mineral production or a number of others.

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Factors of production are the inputs for the production process. Three basic factors of production are land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship.

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Who possesses the factors of production in Sweden?

This question seems to not make sense at all, but i guess it means usage of land. Production is highly focused on non active minerals and woods to make pulp. Other prime usage of land is agriculture (2%) and in the north weird hunting games.

What are three factors of production?

Factors of production are the resources used in producing goods and services. The three factors of production are land, capital and labor.