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I don't know what you mean. If you mean who could operate the engines then any senior officer while he was on watch. If you mean who was the officer who reversed the engines when Titanic hit the ice burg then it is 1st officer William Murdoch.

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Nobody reversed Titanic. There was no "reversing engine" as depicted in the 1997 epic movie and there was not even time to slow down.

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Q: Who was the officer who called the reverse engines when the titanic came?
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Yes, the Titanic is called a "she", all ships are referred to as "she", and "her".

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its called the titanic becasue Titanic means big and tough and its undescructable. its called the titanic becasue Titanic means big and tough and its undescructable.

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Because it was the most "titanic" ship there was.

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