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Q: Why did Greeks pray to Hera for?
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Who prayed to Hera?

She was one of the deities of the Ancient Greeks.

Who was Hera Juno?

the goddess of marriage is hera to the Greeks and juno was the roman goddess of marriage

What did Hera did for the Greeks?

She protected marriage and childbirth.

Who worshiped Hera as the qeen of the gods the Greeks or Romans?

the Greeks did. the Romans worshipped juno

Where was the name hera pais originated from?

The epithet "Pais" which means young or virginal, is one that signifies Hera prior to her marriage to Zeus. Since the gods were omnipresent, Hera was simultaneously a virgin, wife, mother and window.Young women who intended to marry one day would pray to Hera Pais, then, once married they would pray to Hera Teleia. Later, when they were widowed, they would pray to Hera Chere.-Indiriel---------Hera is a Greek goddess, the Queen of Olympus.Pais is a red wine grape.

How did the Greeks worship Hera?

By having a statue and prasing it

Why would Greeks worship Hera?

Cause she is the queen

Who did Hera side with during the Trojan War?

she sided with the Greeks

What is Hera's weaknes?

Hera was a goddess. She didn't have specific strengths or weaknesses. She was viewed by the Greeks as being all-powerful.

How many times did Greeks pray did they pray?

all i no is they did prey in temples and at home

Why worship Hera?

Well, Hera was a Greek Godess. The Greeks were unique in their culture, because their Gods had faults. They were remotely human. Who hasn't ever seen a wife battle over her husband? Hera represents the average woman. Bright, talented, and beautiful, even she had her faults. That is why ancient Greeks worshipped Hera.

What god do Greeks pray to?

It's jesus