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THe idea fell into her head on a delayed train in London and she went from there.

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Q: Why did J.K. Rowling make the main character in Harry Potter a male?
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Harry Potter didn't die because he is the main character, and J.K. Rowling didn't want him to die.

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Harry Potter was written by J. K. Rowling and he was born on 31st July

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In literature, a protagonist is the main character. Harry Potter is the main and prominent character in the Harry Potter Series, so that makes him the protagonist.

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Harry Potter is the name of JK Rowling's main character, but is usually not seen without his faithful sidekicks, his good friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.

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Who is the main character in the Harry Potter series?

The protagonist in a book is basically the main character, and the main character of all the Harry Potter books is Harry himself.

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Harry Potter is the main character in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Lord Voldemort and Albus Dumbledore are the other main characters.

Who is Harry Potter and where are his glasses?

Harry Potter is the main character in the Harry Potter series. His glasses are either on his face or where he left them.

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The main theme for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and for the Potter series in general is death, according to J.K. Rowling herself.

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Harry Potter (the person) is related to Harry Potter (the books and the movies) because he is the main character and protagonist in the story.

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Harry potter

Who is the main character in Harry Potter ?

Hermione Granger.