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That is one small step for man one giant leap for mankind.

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Q: Why did Neil Armstrong say his famous quote on the moon?
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What was Neil Armstrong's famous quote on The Moon?

One step for man, but a giant leap for mankind....

How will you capitalize this sentence neil Armstrong a famous astronaut landed on the moon?

Neil Armstrong is a famous astronaut who landed on the moon.

Besides landing on moon and his famous quote what else is Neil Armstrong famous for?

He was a teacher and I'm right shut up haters

What famous quote did neil armstong make from the moon?

Neil Armstrong spoke these words from the moon:"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

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Neil Armstrong, a famous astronaut, landed on the moon.

For what is Neil Armstrong famous?

Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on The Moon. Neil Armstrong was famous for being the first person to ever set foot on the moon. This took place on July 20th 1969.

Who was buzz Aldrin famous for?

He was on the moon with Neil Armstrong. In other words he was the second man on the moon, beside Neil Armstrong.

How WAS Neil Armstrong was important to American history?

Neil Armstrong was the first man to ever walk on the moon. He was an American astrounaut. His famous quote as he took his first stepon the moon was "One step for man but a huge step for mankind

Why was Neil Armstrong considered famous?

NASA astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the Moon.

Who Neil Armstrong famous for?

1st man on the moon

What is Neil Armstrong famous for doing?

first an on the moon

When was Neil Armstrong Famous?

Neil Armstrong is still famous. He became famous when he became the first man to step foot on the moon in 1969.I am rude