

Best Answer

He was the first person on the Moon.

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Q: Why is Neil Armstrong most famous for?
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What are some famous astronauts?

neil armstrong is the most famous one

Who was the most famous Scout to go into space?

Neil Armstrong.

What are some astronaut?

Neil Armstrong is the most famous one

What Neil Armstrong most famous accomplishment?

Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. No one is more famous than that.

How will you capitalize this sentence neil Armstrong a famous astronaut landed on the moon?

Neil Armstrong is a famous astronaut who landed on the moon.

Which Eagle Scout has taken the most famous first step?

Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong did what?

He is most famous for being the first person to walk on the moon.

When was Neil Armstrong Famous?

Neil Armstrong is still famous. He became famous when he became the first man to step foot on the moon in 1969.I am rude

Who is a famous astronaut?

Neil Armstrong

Did Neil Armstrong want to be famous?

No, he did not.

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