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Q: Why did a Roman have to be tough?
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What was life like for Roman Legions?

life was tough

What is 4998 in roman numerals?

This is a tough one, but... MMMMCMXCVIII. Voila!

What is name ancient roman bronze coin?

That is a very tough question to answer. There are several denominations of Roman bronze coins, so for that, I would need more information on the coin.

Why is Hephaestus a tough god?

Hephaestus was a tough god because he was the god of fire. He was strong and worked in the forges most of the time. plus just look at his roman name, Vulcan. now theres a beast name

What was life like for poor roman?

Tough. Odd jobs, begging, hunger. At one point the military became the career option.

Are roman reigns and Dwayne Johnson related?

No, Vin Diesel is not in a relationship with Dwayne Johnson (The Rock). I don't even see how that would be, one acts as a "tough guy" and one is a tough guy

What number in the roman numerals equals the letter you?

This one is tough to answer. Roman numerals aren't numbers, they're letters. They don't equal American letters, they equal numbers. And either way, "U" isn't one of them.

Why was the life of a roman gladiator so tough?

Becuase the life of the gladiator was similar to the life of a Spartan grim, tough,and they were often fought other slaves for their freedom. Many fights consisted of an animal and a slave or a heavily armed slave agaisnt a bare armed slave.

What are some idioms about being tough?

a hard nut, a hard nut to crack, a hard row to hoe, a tough cookie, a tough nut, a tough row to hoe, be as tough as old boots, tough as an old boot, tough as nails, tough cookie, tough customer

When going gets tough tough becomes going?

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. When the going gets rough, the rough get tough.

What was the life of a soldier?

A Roman soldier life was tough marching all day, feed and sleep. However they had paid privelages by women and a lot of cooking and cleaning was done for them.

What does tough spell?
