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Q: Why did campaign for independence gain momentum in 19 th century?
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What century did Ireland gain its independence?

Ireland (or rather, the Republic of Ireland) gained independence in stages between 1922 and 1949. (Twentieth century).

Did Ireland gain independence from England in the 20th century?

Yes, in 1922

Did the French ever gain independence?

Yes, when the Romans left in the 5th century or so.

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Venezuela gain Independence in the 1830

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They were upset that they did not gain independence

What year did Martinique gain independence?

1893 it gain independence

If an object is thrown does it gain momentum or lose momentum?

It depends at what time in the throw your talking about. In the beginning it gains momentum, then in the middle it starts to lose momentum then in the end it loses all momentum.

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Somalia was occupied by ITALY , briefly, in the 20th century..... Somalia existed before it was "discovered,colonized and freed" by the Italians....therefore the independence question is irrelevant

Which country did many European colonies gain their independence from in the 1820s?

Great Britain... Great Britain had only just started establishing it's Empire in the 1820's. These colonies only started to gain their independence in the second half of the 20th century.

Does an object gain momentum when it speeds up?

Yes The equation for momentum is mass x velocity So if you increase velocity the momentum increases

When Sarawak will gain independence?

Sarawak gain Independence on 22nd July 1963

When did England gain independence?

Until the 19th century England WAS the leading State in all the world, using accepted definitions.