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ann hutchinson's had been to other colonies and that why they wont sign her meeting

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Q: Why did the magistrates disapprove of anne Hutchinson's meetings?
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When was Anne Hutchinsons trial?

Anne Hutchinsons was brought to trial in 1637.

What was Anne Hutchinsons family life like?

Anne Hutchinsons father was Francis Hutchinson and her mother was Bridget Dryden.

What was anne Hutchinson mothers name?

Francis Marbury Is Anne Hutchinsons Father! Briget Dryden is Anne Hutchinson`s mother

During anne Hutchinsons life America was engaged in what war?

revolutionary war

What was anne Hutchinsons problem?

Anne Hutchinson's problem was that she challenged the authority of the Puritan leaders in the Massachusetts Bay Colony during the 17th century. She held religious meetings in her home, where she shared her own interpretations of scripture, which led to her being banished from the colony for her beliefs.

How did anne Hutchinsons family die?

By getting sent into a concentration camp and dying on the way their! It was a very painfull death, as their had lots and lots of people in the carrage

Where did anne Hutchinson hold religious meetings?

at her home

Anne Hutchinson held religious meetings in?

in her home.

What was anne Hutchinsons religion?

she was jewish ithink or morman or cathlic or methodist

Anne Hutchinson's skillful self-defense at her trial before the magistrates of Massachusetts Bay was ruined by?

Her claim to personal revelation.

What name of the individuals held Bible study meetings for women in Boston?

Anne Hutchinson

Who was jealous of Anne Frank's meetings with Peter?

Peter's mother, Auguste van Pels was somewhat jealous of Anne and Peter's close relationship.