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Chimps, along with Gorillas, have lived in Africa for millions of years because they are descended from earlier monkey-like primates. Think of it like a family living in one particular state for countless generations. There is obviously something about the state that meets the needs of the family. Likewise, the jungles of central Africa have everything Chimps need. Therefore, they have no reason to leave.

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Q: Why do chimps live in Africa?
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Where do chimps live at?

Chimpanzees live in forests in Africa and savannas

Were do chimps live?

They live in tropical rainforest's and zoo's and they live in west Africa

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no they life in africa, zoos and south arfrica

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In zoos or living as pets...They can live in America but the originally live in Africa.

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Chimps live in tropical rain forest in central Africa.

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western Africa

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Jane Goodall studied chimps in Africa.

Where do chimps live?

it lives in a nest high up at least 9-12 meters high in a tree.

How chimps live?

chips live in forests