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Q: Why does Darry strike ponyboy do you think he means to?
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Why does Darry strike ponyboy do you think he means to how does he feel after wards explain?


How does Ponyboy feel about Darry?

I think that Darry likes Ponyboy in some ways. He kinda thinks that Ponyboy is a good kid.

Who is ponyboy's foil character in the OUtsiders?

Ponyboy has alot of foils in the book but i think the most noticable one is Ponyboy and Darry. They have both different personalities and Darry always pushes Ponyboy, especially in school. These are just a few ones, I hope you can think of some more. -R.G.R

What effect does Dorry's discipline have on Ponyboy?

the name is darry and the effects that darry's discipline had on ponyboy was that pony did not think that darry loved him or even cared for him because all the seemed to do was fight, since their parent's death, with darry mostly yelling at ponyboy.

Why did ponyboy worry about whether or not he asked about Darry when he met the groung suddenly?

i think that pony really knows that darry cares about him

Why does ponyboy think that Darry loves him?

because adam gronek doesnt eat doodle

Why does Darry strike Ponyboy in chapter 3?

Darry slapped Ponyboy during an arguement. Ponyboy had fallen asleep in the vacant lot with Johnny and hadn't gotten home until 2 AM. Soda tried to stick up for Ponyboy and Darry yelled at Soda. When Ponyboy raised his voice to his oldest brother, Darry hit him. Darry was not really angry at Pony...he was just scared that something had happened to him and was upset that Pony had done something as careless as fall asleep in the lot.

What was the worst part of The Outsiders?

the worst part in the outsiders was when Darry hit Ponyboy and he ran away. Ponyboy was very upset and he didn't know what to think. Darry was upset too because he never hit Ponyboy. Darrydidn't mean to hit him he just got carried away.

What does darry from the outsiders think about pony?

Darry loves Ponyboy a lot, so that's why he's always pressuring him to get straight A's and succeed in his life. He doesn't want his little bro to end up like the rest of the friends in the gang:full of violence and breaking rules. He's always hollering at him and wants the best for pony.

What is Ponyboy's relationship like with Johnny?

Darry- Pony doesn't think Darry cares about him because he is always yelling at him. Also, Darry will tell Pony he needs to have lees fun and study more, then when he is studying Darry will tell him to study less and have more fun. Pony thinks Darry only likes Soda. Sodapop- Him and Pony are buddies, and Soda always sticks up for Pony when Darry yells at him. Also, when Pony started having nightmares about his deceased parents, Soda started sleeping in the same bed with Pony to comfort him.

Does darry love ponyboy?

yes he does. would he have cried in the hospital when Ponyboy was there? think about it. would he??? I agree with the person who said that Darry would not have cried if he did not care and love ponyboy. Darry just has a hard time expressing his feelings and when he does it is usually ends up in a shouting match or some other way. Darry loves both his brothers very much and wants to protect them and make sure they reach their potential im typing on wikianswers...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............ Im having fun! Awkward.... do u think im weird???

Why did Ponyboy consider soda his favorite older brother?

Cause Darry (I think that's his name) wasn't very nice to him, but still loved him. Darry wanted to be a social, and everyone knew it, and Darry was ashamed. Plus Pony might be homosexual and be attracted to his beautiful brother.