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Because it is his soul in Sam's body... it makes it less confusing for the audience.

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Q: Why does Jim look like sam in ghostwhisperer season4?
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David Conrad plays Jim (Malinda's husband) in the TV series ghost whisperer. Jim is a paramedic/fire fighter. he dies in season4 from an embolism after being shot in the shoulder. he now played Sam after Jim jumps into his dead body they now have 1 kid that she delivered from an emergency c-seaction his name is Aidan.

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he never does, he still looks like sam but melinda "sees" him like that so i guess the producers thought it would be better to make him look like jim even though he still looks like sam

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jim went into sams body because sams ghost had already gone into the light jim did it cos he wanted to be with melinda. sam didnt go into jims body, jims dead its his ghost thats still alive. he looks like jim on tv but he actually looks like sam to everyone thats looking at him and if u watch some episodes when "jim" looks in the mirror he actually does look like sam

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What does Jim look like?

Jim Cramer resembles Doctor Phil in a way, except not so thin. He is balding on top and sometimes sports a goatee. His hair is a blonde (almost red) hue.

What does Jim cramer look like?

Jim Cramer resembles Doctor Phil in a way, except not so thin. He is balding on top and sometimes sports a goatee. His hair is a blonde (almost red) hue.

Why does Jim from ghost whisper look the same as the person he possess?

For a while he did but then he remembered he was really Jim & to make it easier on the audience they had Jim

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no! She does not like him.