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Q: Why does Ponyboy want to clean the house?
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Why is ponyboy concerned about his friends seeing the house and not about randy seeing the house?

ponyboy is concerned because their life could be better than his

How do you tell your ex that you don't want to be with them because they don't clean their house?

you tell them Dude clean your frikin house or i leave you in 1 week

Why do darry soda and ponyboy clean up before a rumble?

They clean up because they like to take showers

What does Darry do that makes him run out of the house?

he hits ponyboy

How do you clean a house real quick?

well if u want to clean it i guess you messed it up so its your problem....

How do you get motivated and get the energy to get up and clean the house?

If I really didn't have the energy to clean the house that day, i would play some really upbeat music. If you really want to you can dance and clean at the same time.

Why does ponyboy wish he had company on the way home from the movie house?

Ponyboy wishes had had company on the way home from the movie house because of Socs. They jumped him on the way home, and he had no help.

Why does ponyboy English teacher want to talk to him?

Ponyboy's English teacher wanted to talk to him because he is failing class.

Who does Ponyboy want to marry?


What did ponyboy think about when he regained consciousness?

When Ponyboy woke up he thought of how quiet the house was and how usually the T.V was on or someone was banging on the table.

Why does ponyboy's English teacher want's to talk to him?

Ponyboy's English teacher wanted to talk to him because he is failing class.