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Q: Why doesn't buck stop attacking Spitz?
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Fry it

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give up. there is no way to stop it

Where did the buck stop?

Harry S Truman.

What can you do to make your rooster stop attacking you it just seems to have gotten worse today what had been happening to make him stop attacking me was stomping behind him but it's just not working?

shoot it

How do you say stop attacking you in Slovakia?

prestať útočiť vás

How do you say stop attacking me in french?

Arrêtez de m'attaquer

Should you stop your friend from attacking another person?

If possible, yes, you should try your best to stop your friend from attacking another person. However, if your friend is attacked first then they will have to defend themselves.

Does 'Swords of Revealing Light' stop 'Horus the Black Flame Dragon' from attacking?

It will stop Lv4 from attacking, and if allowed to resolve to the field, it will stop Lv8 attacking too (Lv8 could have negated it when it was first activated, but if he chose not to, then he can no longer do anything to it). Lv6 is unaffected by spell cards though, so may still declare attacks.

How do you stop attacking by epilepsy?

By proper medication, or extreme cases surgery.

What do you need to eat to stop anorexia?

it doesnt work like that sweetie, to "stop" anorexia, you need sometimes years of therapy and in-patient treatment. It doesnt just stop.