

How do you stop attacking by epilepsy?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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By proper medication, or extreme cases surgery.

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Q: How do you stop attacking by epilepsy?
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How do you become epileptic free?

There are many forms of epilepsy and levels of severity. Some people that get epilepsy when they are young stop having seizures when they are older. Some people get epilepsy as a result of a head injury and that in time can improve and so they stop having seizures. Some people can have surgery which can cure their epilepsy, though that would only be considered in very extreme circumstances. Some people will have epilepsy for the rest of their lives and it can't be cured. Some will have controlled by medication so they may not get many or any seizures, though they will still have epilepsy.

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It does not trigger epilepsy, but a low blood glucose does cause seizures. The seizures stop once the blood sugar is returned to normal.

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Will you have epilepsy for life?

Not necessarily. It will depend on the type and cause of epilepsy. Some children get epilepsy which stops when they grow up. Some people get epilepsy as a result of a head injury. If the head injury heals their seizures may stop. Some people will have their epilepsy for life. They could have it for all of their life, or get it at some point and then have it for the rest of their life. Epilepsy can be controlled by medication, so some people get their epilepsy under control and if they stick to looking after themselves, they will not have seizures although technically they still have epilepsy. Each case is different and it has to be monitored by the person and their doctor.

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prestať útočiť vás

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Arrêtez de m'attaquer

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there are many causes. but two that i know are from stress and depression.

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