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Fir is a type of evergreen tree. Fur is the skin of animals with the hair attached. While Canada has a lot a trees that are cut for lumber, in the early days of Canada the fur trade brought explorers, settlers, and merchants due to the money paid for high quality furs.

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Q: Why is fir trade important to Canada?
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Why is trade important to Canada?


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The U.S. is canada's most important trade partner because we depend on them and they depend on us.

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What trade spread across Canada making it important for 300 years?

the fur trade

Who is Canada's most important trade partner?

the united states

Was the fur trade important to Canada?

yes the fur trade was very important, especially for the native peoples they depended on the trade to make clothing and shelter

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The united states, Canada anymore i can add??It's JAPAN, stupid!

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It is important for canada to trade with japan because canada has lots of agricultural products ( food products) , and japan doesnt have much anymore because of the war , tsunamis, earthquakes, etc. And japan has lots of mechanical parts to make electronics , and canada doesnt so its an equal trade to both countries.

Why is it important for Canada to maintain a good trade relationship with the US?

so they are not cheep

How is trade important to Canada?

trading is very important to Canada so in case whe they are all out of food supply they can ask another country Hope This Help!!! <3

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Abietin is a resin derived from the Canada balsam fir tree.

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