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Because it is a concentration camp. Bruno's father is head of this camp and had to move close to it, to make sure everything was running the way it was suppose to be. This explains why they were so close to it. Concentration camps were a brutal place. It was basically a slaughter house, and it was pointless in trying to make it look appealing to the eye when the things going on inside the fence could scar you forever.

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Q: Why is there no greenery in three distance after the fence in The boy in The striped pajamas?
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What role does Shmuel play in the The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

the boy on the other side of the fence.

What is the name of Bruno of 'The Boy in the Striped Pajamas ' friend over the fence?

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What is conflicts in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

Bruno, son of the Commandant, is friends with Shmuel, a Jew on the other side of the fence.

Why is there no greenery in the distance after the fence in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

Because it is a concentration camp. Bruno's father is head of this camp and had to move close to it, to make sure everything was running the way it was suppose to be. This explains why they were so close to it. Concentration camps were a brutal place. It was basically a slaughter house, and it was pointless in trying to make it look appealing to the eye when the things going on inside the fence could scar you forever.

Who is shmeul in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

Shmuel is the young Polish boy Bruno encounters on the other side of the wired fence.

Does Bruno live in Poland after he moved from Berlin in the book The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

No, he climbs under the concentration camps fence and is gassed.

What foreshadowing in the striped pajamas?

In "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas," several instances foreshadow the tragic ending, such as Bruno questioning the situation and the fence dividing him from Shmuel, the ominous references to "Out-With," and Bruno's increasing understanding of the reality of the concentration camp. These elements hint at the ultimate tragedy that befalls the two boys.

The boy in the striped pajamas climax?

Probably when he decides to go under the fence. But of course that's just my opinion. It could be at the end when he dies depending on your definition of a climax.

What was the cover going to be for The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

There are many types of covers, although the most recent one happens to be the movie postet where Bruno and Shmuel are seperated by a wired Fence.

What was the plot to The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas moving story of two boys who meet either side of a camp fence in WWII Germany. , It explores the bonds between 2 young children and the disadvantages of living in Germany WW2

In Bruno's home what is out of bounds at all times and no excepions?

In Bruno's home, the Fury, his father's office, and the other side of the fence where the people in striped pajamas are located are strictly out of bounds at all times with no exceptions.