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Sweden has been at peace since 1814, they have adopted a non- aligned foreign policy in peacetime and in wartime neutrality.

Sweden was one of those countries that was able to maintain neutrality during WW2 partly because its northern location, its neutral stance in international relations, a dedicated military build-up, and an unpredictable course of events.

The Swedish government made concessions to Germany that helped it be neutral.

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13y ago

They were on the Nazis side like Italy so the Nazis didn't need to invade it. Sweden wasn't officially an axis country, they just helped the Nazis a lot in exchange for a lot of money. That's why Sweden is so rich today. If the Nazis had invaded, there would've been terrorism and they wouldn't have gotten as much resources from Sweden.

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12y ago

It was a useful trading partner with high industry. As long as they did not, the allies could not bomb it. Or consider it an invasion route. It would really have been the easiest invasion path straight to the heart of Germany. With total air superiority and sea control, we could have gone straight there and punched straight through into Germany without having to slog through France, Belgium, and southern germany We would have had a relatively easy run straight through the heart of German industry to Berlin

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12y ago

they wanted sweden a neutral country

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Q: Why was Sweden not attact by Germany in world war 2?
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What wars has Sweden been involved in?

Sweden has had 26 wars ranging from 1521 (the Danish liberation war two years before Gustav Vasa climbed the throne) to 1814 (the campaign against Norway when Sweden forced Norway into a union. Before this Sweden was in several wars as well, and in between Sweden have been at war with Poland, Russia, France and several parts of what we now call Germany. See the Related Link for "List of Swedish wars" to the bottom for the answer.

Did countries besides Sweden make money from trading with Germany during World War 2?

No. Those countries which were not concquered by Germany or at war with her could not trade with her, even if they wanted to, because of the allied naval blockade. Michael Montagne

How did Sweden participate in World War 1?

Sweden was not involved in WWI

Was there a regular ferry service between Germany and Sweden during World War 2?

Yes - at least for much of the war. From 1942 onwards there was also a regular scheduled air service between Britain and Sweden. All Red Cross mail and parcels between Britain and Germany were routed via Sweden. The neutral countries were very handy for that kind of thing! Joncey

Did Germany conquer Sweden?

No. Sweden was technically neutral during the war, but did do things to help Germany. Sweden has a lot of iron mines, so they sold this metal to the Germans (and Germany used it to make tanks, planes, ships and so forth). Also, Sweden has a long, bad history with Russia, so when Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, Sweden helped Germany a little bit. But Sweden did other things that Germany didn't like, such as help Jews escape the Holocaust. Once Germany started losing the war after 1943, Sweden started resisting German demands more and more- Sweden knew Germany was no longer a threat to them, so they were more able to resist.

Related questions

Was Sweden a allie of Germany in World War 2?

Sweden was neutral in Word War II.

Were Sweden and Germany occupied in World War 2?

Sweden wasn't, as it was neutral. Germany obviously

Was Sweden Finland and Germany occupied by Germany in World War 2?

Sweden was not, as it was neutral. Finland was not, but it was an ally of Germany. Germany obviously was occupied by Germany.

Who invaded Poland?

Germany during ww2, Sweden in 1655In World War 2 Poland was invaded by Germany.

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What countries were on sides at the end of World War 1?

Germany , Norway , Sweden and Portugal

Who tried to aviod going to war in Germany in world war 2?

Countries like sweden and switzerland who wanted nothing to do with the war

Was Sweden involed in World War 2?

Explicitly, no. They did, however, trade a lot with Nazi Germany.

Did Germany occupy Norway World War 2?

Yes. But not all of it wasnt.Yes Norway was occupied by Germany in World War 2. Trust me this is real, I had to do a report on Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Poland, and Germany.

Why was Sweden not taken over during World War 2?

Sweden was neutral during the war, but agreed to most demands from Nazi Germany, such as troop transport through the country.

What country did Germany NOT invade during World War 2?

Only a few, but most notably, Sweden. Sweden practiced neutrality at war, so Hitler went around them.