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Q: Y yo Carolina del Norte in spanish?
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How do you say north in spanish?

To say North in Spanish, you say Norte.

How do you say i live by the park in spanish?

The spanish dont have a word for park as in the concept that you and me think of it. But to them the countryside is the same thing so it would be. Yo vivo alado del campo. or it could be Yo vivo alado del parque.

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(yo) quiero estar contigo cada segundo del dia ('Yo' can be omitted)

How do you say I am from Utah in Spanish?

' Yo soy del Tennessee ' / OR / ' Soy del Tenesí ' / OR / ' Soy de Tennessee ' / OR / ' Yo soy de Tenesí ' [etc.].

How do you say not i in spanish?

I do not is no hago in spanish.

How do you say im from Maryland in spanish?

[Yo] Soy de Maryland. [yo] Soy del estado de Maryland, Estados Unidos. (I am from the state of Maryland, United States)

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Yo estudio en mi cuarto (Dormitorio) la mayoría del tiempo.

How do you say can i in Spanish?

I in Spanish is yo.

How do you write i in Spanish?

the way to write "i" in spanish is "yo"I= yo

How do you say you I in Spanish?

I = Yo

How do you spell the word I in spanish?

"I" in Spanish is "yo." Yo soy artistico: I am artistic.

What is yo soy in spanish?

"Yo soy" means "I am" in Spanish. Yo estoy also means "I am". I depends on context.