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Q: Are musical instruments made by the company Accent good quality instruments?
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Related questions

What is the musical term for with?

Accentato, accentuato, or accent.

What does the Bulgarian accent sound like?

The Bulgarian accent is often described as melodic and with a distinct rhythm. It can vary in intensity depending on the speaker, but generally has a musical quality to it. It may also feature certain phonetic characteristics such as rolled 'r' sounds or a slight nasal quality.

What is the musical term for 'with emphasis?

Accentato, accentuato, or accent.

Is concert a first or second accent syllable?

Yes. A musical concert has a first-syllable accent. To concert the efforts of a groups has the accent on the second syllable.

What are two ways to accent a musical note or a phrase?

There are many ways to accent a musical note: Ritard, staccato, fermata, legato, vibrato, crescendo, decrescendo, foert, fortissimo, piano, pianissimo,

How are accents placed within a musical measures?

An accent is marked as a ">" overtop the staff of the note it effects.

Does meta knight have a British accent?

No, Kiby is made by Nintendo which is a Japanese company, so he doesn't have a british accent

What musical term starts with the letter A?

There are a few musical terms that start with the letter "a": accent, accelerando, accidental, adagio, allargando, allegretto, allegro, andante, andantino, atonal

Is it racist when playing the character Donkey in Shrek the musical for a white person to play it with the traditional accent?


What does accenture mean in the accenture company?

Accent on the Future = Accenture

What does the Italian term sfz mean on a musical score?

sforzando, like an accent, suddenly playing the note loudly and accented

What is rhythmic accent?

Rhythmic accent refers to the stress or emphasis placed on certain beats within a musical measure. It helps create a sense of pulse and structure in music by highlighting particular beats through dynamics, articulation, or duration. By controlling rhythmic accents, musicians can add interest and drive to a musical performance.