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Q: Are there scientists who oppose the idea of global warming?
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How close are the scientists to coming up with answer for global warming?

i have no idea x

Changes in the cycle are implicated in global warming?

The idea that Global Warming is a natural cycle is well understood from paleo.

How is Global Warming a Scam?

The science of global warming could be a scam if someone had anything to gain by it. Yet scientists resisted the idea that they should be concerned about the possibility for almost a century after the possibility of anthropogenic global warming was first identified. No scientist has anything to gain by creating a hoax. In fact, any evidence that a research scientist has engaged in a scam would be career-destroying.

Why is it an exellent idea to recycle?

to help stop global warming

Why do scientists think the idea of global warming is correct?

Warmer climatic trends throught the past several years has suggested that global warming is, indeed, happening. Research the melting of the polar ice caps OR check out information on sea levels rising. This will guide you in the right direction to fully understand the answer to your question.

What evidence supports the idea that the earth's magnetic north and south pole have changed many times throughout earth's history?

nothing scientists made it up to stop global warming

What is a good opening sentence Hook for a persuasive essay on global warming?

A good topic sentence for global warming depends on what the article or paper is about. Determine what you plan to discuss in your paper and a topic sentence will come easily.

When was the idea of global warming thought up?

well scientist knew about it 30 years before but however did not have any evidence on there are many sceptics now a days how still don't believe global warming is man made!

What is a global warmig?

I have no idea what global warmig is. But global warming is a warming of the globe - or Earth - by a variety of causes including man-made emissions. Currently the latter is what is meant by the phrase global warming. Global Warmig has been changed to Climate Change. They are covering their bets. This way when the warmig hoax is proven, they will all say "We support Change" As if we did not allready know the warmig (flat earthers) were obama suporters...

Who started the global warming epidemic and when?

This started in the eighteenth century with the beginning of the Industrial Age, although at first the changes were so slight that scientists were unaware of them. Around the beginning of the twentieth century, Svante Arrhenius calculated that emissions from human industry might someday bring a global warming, but other scientists dismissed his idea as faulty. In 1938, G.S. Callendar stated that the level of carbon dioxide was climbing and raising global temperature, but most scientists found his conclusions implausible - scientists tend to have a bias against novel theories until the evidence is undeniable. It was only in the early 1960s, when C.D. Keeling measured the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and found that it was rising fast that researchers began to take an interest. We now know that average global temperatures are indeed rising, and that global warming is associated with the increased levels of carbon dioxide produced by human activity.

Could wind mills be causing global warming because of the change in wind currents?

Yes it could be that. That is such an amazing idea!

What is the idea that excess carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere can raise the temperature of the planet called?

This is "climate change" or "global warming". This idea is also called the "greenhouse effect".