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No. On a certain note with both a sharp and flat, (G, for example) they are the same distance from G, but going in diferent directions. G sharp raises the note by one half step while G flat lowers the note by one half step.

However, it is possible for a sharp note to mean the same note as a flat note. For example, G sharp is the same note as A flat. This is called being enharmonic.

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Q: By how much does a sharp or flat alter as a note?
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What is a chromatic sign used to alter a note?

Often referred to as an accidental, these include sharp, flat, and natural signs.

What are sharps and flats equal to?

Generally, the sharp and flat signs are known as accidentals. They alter the pitch of the note. As an example, D sharp is a half-step higher than D where D flat is a half step lower.

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A note which is neither sharp nor flat is called natural.A natural

Does the sharp go in front of the note or after?

If the note is on the bar, the sharp (or flat, or natural) goes before the note. If you are just writing the note out, the sharp goes after the note.

Where can a sharp or flat be found if it is applied directly to a note?

Hi, If a sharp or flat is applied directly to a note, it will be placed in front of the particular note. Hope that helps!

What is the same note as a sharp?

b flat

What note is a semitone higher than B?

It would be a sharp/flat. Like A would be A#/Bb

How cone there is no double sharp or double flat enharmonic for G sharp or A flat?

It's because that note is the only one two half-steps away from another flat/sharp note in both directions.

What does the natural sign do to a sharp or flat in music?

A natural and a sharp before a note means that the note was previously a double-sharp and is now just a sharp.

What is a note if not sharp or flat?

Natural - naturally

Is there a h note?

No. There are a (plus a flat and a sharp), b (plus b flat and b sharp), c (flat and sharp), d (flat and sharp), e (flat and sharp), f (flat and sharp), and g (flat and sharp). That makes a, b, c, d, e, f, g Plus the flat and sharp for each, making 21 notes of the scale.

What note do you get if you flat a D flat?

A D-flat is also an E-sharp in music. Technically, if you flat an E-sharp, you have an E, not a really flat D-flat.