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This is a tough one. There is a formula for this that seems to make a lot of sense in general. Divide your age by two and add 9. This ensures that the person you are with has enough in common with you to make regular conversation and common references. In my case, being 35, I would divide by two to get 17.5 and then add 9 for 27 and a half. This makes a lot of sense. My fiance is 28 and she is at the very bottom of remembering some of the music I listened to in high school (she was in grade school) she vaguely remembers Ronald Reagan, cold war, fear of nuclear weapons and early video games. Having an older brother helps her in these areas as well. If she were 26, I doubt we would have any common references at all. It works well for older people too. 70/2 = 35. 35+9 = 44. So if you were 70, the youngest you would want to go would be 44. There is enough life experience between the two of you that is similar to make it work. So assuming this is somewhat accurate, 21/2=10.5. 10.5+9= 19 and a half. That's the lowest you want to go for a good long term relationship to work. But, that's just a formula. It can't be applied to all things. I think a lot depends on the two individuals. In various societies throughout time, if a girl wasn't married by 16, she was likely to end up an old maid. These were times when girls were mentally more mature than they are now and lifespans were shorter. But lifespans are indeed longer. And at 16, she has much more life to experience. I can see nothing "wrong" with any two people wanting to date regardless of their race religion, color, creed, sex, or age - provided that the people are capable of understanding the relationship and taking care of themselves. At 16, a girl is generally old enough to drive a car which can kill people or herself, surely she is capable of dating. And if she is capable of dating, I fail to see where the age makes any difference at all - as if a 16 yr old male is somehow more respectful and more likely to get her pregnant than a 21 or 30 yr old male. What I see as being wrong would be to take this 16 yr old girl and tie her down to you for all eternity without alowing her to explore herself and her life as you have been allowed to do for the past 5 years. Casual dating and sex are not harmful in themselves and I don;t believe them to be wrong. It is the social stigma that does the harm. Unfortunately that stigma is very real. If you are seeing this girl, it is perhaps best for both of you to keep it to yourselves.

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Q: Can a 16 year old be in love?
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Dating is OK; sex is not.

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yes! coz he's mine

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If you love him, sure NO WAY! THAT IS BAD!

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sure as long as u truly love her and she loves u

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long distance doesn't matter if you really love someone let them know you mean love!

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if your in love yes you can as your legal its aloud :)

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There's nothing wrong with being in love, but a 13 year old and a 16 year old are at very different stages in their lives. A 13 year old could be thinking about transferring into high school and also not mature enough for a relationship yet whereas a 16 year old has their focus on driving, academics, preparing for their future, and looking for a more serious relationship.

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yes! its ok if its a love marriage.