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Well, you can install one of several different kinds of pickups in an acoustic guitar, and then you'll have an acoustic-electric.

Passive pickups, like piezo-electric pickups, just sense the vibration of the body of the guitar and sound more natural.

Magnetic pickups, like most "soundhole" pickups, are built more like electric-guitar pickups and sense the string vibration.

They tend to sound like hollow-body electric Guitars.

You can mount a standard electric pickup, tone controls, etc. into an acoustic guitar, of course... Some of the earliest "electrics" were made that way.

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Q: Can you convert an acquistic guitar in to an electric?
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Did the electric guitar come before the bass guitar?

Yes. The first electric guitar was on the market in 1932, the first electric bass guitar was on the market in 1935.

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They are called strings. Really! <a href="">My Electric Guitar build</a>

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Can you play Taylor swift on an electric guitar?

Why not? She has electric guitar in her music.