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Hi. Yes you can have your tubes tied right after childbirth. Your midwife can not do this. You will have to go to the hospital to have it done. Do not let this keep you from having a homebirth. If you want a homebirth then go for it. You can get your tubes tied a few weeks later when you are ready. There will really be no difference excapt you will have the birth you want. Your midwife should be happy to discuss this with you and might be able to refure you to a good doctor. There is no reason you can not have them tied after 5 children. Good luck and feel blessed with your 5 loves. :)

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Q: Can you have your tubes tied directly after childbirth and can your midwife do this if you're having a home birth and is it safe after a 5th birth?
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You can't feel what giving birth is like without giving birth! :-) Read Ina May's Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin-the midwife of all midwives in the US. This book will give you some idea what it's like. Anyone pregnant or even thinking about having a baby should read this. It's a masterpiece.

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