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It would be better than using nothing, but there are probably a lot of other things that will work better. I'm sure it works decent, and probably fairly cost effective. The type of carpet will probably make a difference as well. A really thin type of carpet will sound different than shag carpet. If you have a lot of extra carpet, I would say it's definitely worth a try.

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Q: Can you use carpet to soundproof a recording studio?
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What is the easiest audio recording software to use?

Cubase Studio 4. Another alternative is RecordForAll it is easy to use and overlay tracks and add effects. I would also add in there Audacity which is a free and easy application to do general audio recordings

What microphone would you use to record bass guitar?

That's quite a general question and difficult to answer :) It's similar to "how long is a piece of string"? Since recording studio equipment varies so greatly with regards to quality, the simplest answer to your question would be: "whatever works best for you". At Digital Sound Magic Recording Studios, we use whatever piece of gear will make the music better. A few weeks ago I had a client that used a stick and a cardboard box instead of a $2000 drum kit! So purchase whatever you can afford, but don't let this question prevent you from recording! Use whatever you have and get creative!

What Is A Pop Filter?

A: A pop filter is a filter that is placed in front of a microphone in a recording studio that keeps extra air from hitting the microphone when a vocalist sings. When singers use words that have the letter "p" or "k", "s", "f", or "b", they tend to use their diaphragm more and this forces air out of their mouth without them realizing it. That sound will hit the microphone and cause the recording to sound really windy (the same thing that happens when the wind hits a microphone) and that can be really bad for a professional recording.

Which musical instruments synths sequencers drum machines etc did Bobby Orlando use in his studio when recording songs like Reputation or tracks for Divine and Flirts?

korg kpr77 minipops sci prophet 5 ,arp omni ,minimoog

How do you use Delay effects in audio recording?

You use it as a send or as an insert.

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What is a relatively cheap way to soundproof an attic for use as a recording studio?

take some blankets or quilts or even some old cloths and layer the room with them and cram them around the door and in the corners of the room. Cardboard egg cartons also make good sound-dampening material.

What do you need to start a recording studio?

A modern commercial studio has many components. Some use tape for recording, some use computers. You could set up a home studio for a couple of hundred dollars, or spend millions recreating Abbey Road. You'll need a recording device and microphones to start.

Did the beatles use a metronome during the recording of their studio albums?

No way, baby!

What are the top of the line electronic drum kits for use in a home recording studio?

There many types of electric drum kits that can be purchased for use in a home recording studio. These include the Roland and Yamaha. Shopping around will advise on price ranges.

How does one obtain recording studio experience?

There are a few options for one looking to obtain experience of a professional recording studio. For example, Virgin Experience Days offer taster sessions in a recording studio for „ï__ï£99 in the UK. Alternatively, one could use their local business directory to look for local recording studios to gain experience.

What kind of software would a recording studio require?

In order to have a proper recording studio, a person would need a certain software download. A software that would be good to use is a software download called Audacity.

What else do you need for your home studio besides a microphone and a computer?

Sound recording software. You can download Audacity for free. It is easy to use for recording and editing.

Where do you use microphones?

You can use them in a recording studio, at a concert, playing rock band, or anywhere where you want to record your voice to be heard.

What audio files do professional recording studios use?

Multi track recording in every studio I've ever seen saves audio files to wav.

What DJ software does use?

My lecturer who has worked with him briefly said that he was in our recording studio using reason.

Which mixer is best for home recording?

Peavey makes a great mixer to use for home recording.

What is the best program for recording rap songs on your PC?

fl studio is good, cubase artist better for recording, but personally i would save up for a mac and get logic studio pro thats what i use it is much better then other softwares i used, you can make beats and record vocals